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November 9, 2018

Automating Personalized Videos with FFMPEG

About a year ago, Lee Martin published a Medium post about a marketing campaign he recently completed on behalf of Marilyn Manson's new album, Heaven Upside Down. Using geolocation data from a previous concert contest, Martin rendered 25,000 unique videos that were emailed to Manson fans that gave the impression of a satellite specifically monitoring their home, while the song "We…
December 10, 2015

The 3-2-1 Backup Solution for Filmmaking

Filmmaking is stressful. Filmmaking is not "usually," not "often," and not "sometimes" stressful, it is stressful. The stress comes from coordinating anywhere from a handful of people to hundreds, the complexity of locations and communication, the opinions of everyone who wants to be involved, and the nuances of everything that is in and out of control. Producing a film shoot can be like throwing a wedding…